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Sports / The Bronco Bulletin

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  • Music and Film class fine-tunes analytical skills

    Emma Aldrich, LRHS Student Correspondent|Updated Nov 23, 2017

    Students in LRHS’s first Music and Film class have become more observant not just in their abilities to describe music or scores, but also in themes present throughout cinema. The class, taught by math teacher Thomas Pulliam, is serving as a substitute for traditional band this semester while band teacher Jennifer York finishes maternity leave. Rather than simply fill a hole in a schedule, however, the class has been highly productive and has encouraged deeper thinking. Pulliam explained, “A goal of this is to show that mus...

  • Reflecting on time management strategies

    Emma Aldrich, LRHS Student Correspondent|Updated Nov 16, 2017

    Ninety-five percent of people have a tendency to procrastinate at times, while 20 percent of people are chronic procrastinators, a study from the University of Calgary reports. The ability to make efficient use of time is critical to not only success in high school, but in all avenues of life. Although several LRHS students find themselves within the procrastinating demographic, there is no time like the present for students to make efforts towards improved time management. For student Lacey Miller, the ability to use time...

  • STEM challenge builds skills in engineering, teamwork

    Emma Aldrich, LRHS Student Correspondent|Updated Nov 9, 2017

    Seven students in the Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) Club represented LRHS in the annual Bi-County STEM Challenge (BCSC) on Monday. The team, which included Cole Cameron, Grace St. John, Trinity Bonita, Spencer Gering, Cinthia Guizar, Emma Aldrich, and alternate Tamera Wolf, competed against groups from Wilbur, Odessa, Harrington and Sprague. BCSC includes two STEM challenges. The first is designated as a “warm up,” allowing students to form groups with representatives from other schools to engage in a shor...

  • Assembly to honor veterans, residents encouraged to attend

    Emma Aldrich, LRHS Student Correspondent|Updated Nov 2, 2017

    To honor our nation’s veterans, Lind-Ritzville High School’s annual Veterans Day assembly will be held Tuesday, Nov. 7, at 1:30 p.m. at Gilson Gymnasium. All community members are encouraged to attend. The assembly will feature a re-dedication of the gym’s new automated flag in honor of all veterans, presentation of the colors by VFW Color Guard, several patriotic speeches and the introduction of local veterans. Musical contributions will include student Katheran Gingrich’s rendition of the “Star Spangled Banner”,...

  • FBLA members build leadership skills

    Emma Aldrich, LRHS Student Correspondent|Updated Oct 26, 2017

    Effective leadership skills are an important asset to success in any career, especially in the field of business. To augment their leadership abilities and improve their aptitude for careers in business, LRHS’s Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) club attended a regional fall conference, also known as a Youth Leadership Summit. The conference, held on Oct. 18 in Spokane Valley, featured leadership presentations from business professionals. Inspiration can from many sources, including keynote speaker Todd Mielke, CEO o...

  • Kindness Tree helps LRHS “focus on the good”

    Emma Aldrich, LRHS Student Correspondent|Updated Oct 19, 2017

    “We become what we think about,” said late radio speaker and author Earl Nightingdale. In line with LRHS’s 2017 mission statement, why not think about the good? This is the thought process that the LRHS Family, Career and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA) club had in mind when designing the Kindness Tree. Posted in the hallway at LRHS for all to see, the Kindness Tree is a paper tree that students and staff contribute “leaves” to, where leaves are anonymous notes of nice things other people did for them. Of the tree’s in...

  • Field trip ignites interest in forest management, firefighting

    Emma Aldrich, LRHS Student Correspondent|Updated Oct 12, 2017

    In the hopes of increasing awareness in the field of fire ecology and sparking interest in firefighting, both literally and figuratively, several LRHS students traveled to Central Washington last week. The field trip included a tour of the Columbia Breaks Fire Interpretive Center in Entiat, a visitation to a prescribed burn in Wenatchee National Forest, and a tour of the Okanogan-Wenatchee Rappellers’ Headquarters in Wenatchee. The trip offered behind-the-scenes insight into both the science and dedication required to keep lo...

  • STEM Club members plan enrichment opportunities

    Emma Aldrich, LRHS Student Correspondent|Updated Oct 5, 2017

    Since the inaugural year in 2014, the LRHS Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) Club has experienced a 300 percent increase in membership. Beginning with five students and the goal of improving college readiness and career awareness, today the 25-member STEM Club maintains the same shared goal. To explain the increase in participation, returning member Sharon Anderson stated, “I think a majority of the new members this year were influenced from existing members to...

  • Nationally renowned speaker inspires students

    Emma Aldrich, LRHS Student Correspondent|Updated Sep 28, 2017

    For the 2017-2018 school year, the Associated Student Body (ASB) mission statement for Lind-Ritzville High School (LRHS) is to embrace the concept of “why not.” To help drive home the mission statement and inspire students, LRHS experienced a presentation from motivational speaker Jake Ballentine last Tuesday. After the high school presentation, he traveled to Lind to inspire to LRMS. Ballentine has the credibility to speak to the “why not” mentality. In high school, he was deemed “learning disabled” and barely graduated....

  • Open house, Orientation Night improves communication

    Emma Aldrich, LRHS Student Correspondent|Updated Sep 21, 2017

    Irish playwright George Bernard Shaw said, “The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place.” To avoid this illusion, Ritzville Grade School and Lind-Ritzville High School held an open house and Freshmen Parent Orientation Night on Tuesday evening. Parents, guardians, students and staff met together to communicate face to face. LRHS has not held an open house in the past several years. The purpose of reviving the event, explained LRHS principal Ronanda Liberty, was “to welcome paren...

  • Family values in the community

    Emma Aldrich, LRHS Student Correspondent|Updated Sep 14, 2017

    Fundraiser to benefit local family When a family member is in need, it’s second nature to respond with love and support. One of the benefits of a small school and community is that everyone feels a familial responsibility to take care of one another. If a classmate or neighbor needs help, the whole school or the whole community unifies and responds. Last week, LRHS senior Crystal Silva was brought to Sacred Heart Children’s Hospital with an infection in her brain. She fell into a coma-like state and has since opened her eye...

  • The Space Race at school: students pursue challenges

    Emma Aldrich, LRHS Student Correspondent|Updated Sep 7, 2017

    “We chose to go to the moon in this decade and do other things not because they are easy, but because they are hard,” emphasized President John F. Kennedy in his famous 1962 moon speech. Aside political motivations of the Cold War, JFK believed that the inevitable growth from overcoming adversity was reason enough to pursue a challenge. Many students at Lind-Ritzville High School agree: engaging in rigorous classes is the only way to improve oneself as a scholar and as an individual. The upper level electives in the cou...

  • Link Crew program builds relationships between students, develops leaders at Lind-Ritzville High School

    Emma Aldrich, LRHS Student Correspondent|Updated Aug 31, 2017

    Many a sage has acknowledged that there are three types of people in the world: those who watch things happen, those who make things happen, and those who wonder, “What just happened?” In efforts to develop the culture of LRHS into one of people who make things happen, the 2017-2018 school year marks the inaugural year for Link Crew at LRHS. Created by the Boomerang Project under the belief that “students can help other students succeed.” Link Crew is a national program that trains upperclassmen to lead students as they tr...

  • Overcoming fear of failure

    Emma Aldrich, LRHS Student Correspondent|Updated Aug 24, 2017

    ASB mission for 2017-2018 school year Doubt is the best armor against the unimaginative. An unimaginative person might be known to say, “That dream is unrealistic. That idea will never be possible.” “Failure is certain,” that same unimaginative person might conclude. However, in order for any progress to take place, someone must have the courage to doubt the accepted patterns of thinking. At one point, the question must be asked: why not? Why can’t a dream be made real? Why can’t an idea be made possible? Only once the questi...

  • Witnessing scientific history during the Great American Eclipse on Monday, Aug. 21

    Emma Aldrich, LRHS Student Correspondent|Updated Aug 17, 2017

    Outside of astronomy, an eclipse is defined as a loss of significance in relation to another thing. Ironically, the Great American Eclipse that will occur on Monday, Aug. 21, will find great significance in scientific history. A total solar eclipse occurs when the moon passes between Earth and the Sun, temporarily obscuring the Sun’s prominence with a shadow. The darkest part of the moon’s shadow, known as the umbra, will form the path of totality as it sweeps across 12 states. Only observers in that 70-mile path will exp...

  • Interdisciplinary research leads to future innovations

    Emma Aldrich, LRHS Student Correspondent|Updated Aug 3, 2017

    In 1991, Japanese physicist Sumio Iijima published a paper on carbon nanotubes that revealed their potential to revolutionize society. Since then, research and subsequent discoveries have continued to uncover new applications for carbon nanotubes. Carbon nanotubes, graphite and diamond are all allotropes of carbon, meaning they are composed of carbon atoms arranged in a different shape. Specifically, carbon nanotubes are cylindrical structures of elemental carbon. This structure gives rise to unique properties, including...

  • Ritzville Public Library to return downtown

    Emma Aldrich, LRHS Student Correspondent|Updated Jul 27, 2017

    After a temporary residence at the Lind-Ritzville High School library, the Ritzville Public Library is preparing to return to its downtown location. The Ritzville Public Library will open to the public in the Carnegie building on Monday, Aug. 7. Construction on the historical downtown site brought the Ritzville Public Library to LRHS in January. The change was mutually beneficial. “Working out of the high school library was a positive experience for us,” said Fullmer. “I think it’s a great example of a successful communi...

  • Finding funding for Mars mission

    Emma Aldrich, LRHS Student Correspondent|Updated Jul 20, 2017

    “Our nation will return to the Moon, and we will put American boots on the face of Mars,” said Vice President of the United States Mike Pence, following his appointment at the head of the newly reformed National Space Council. However, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) announced this week that they will not be able to follow through with their plans to send a manned mission to the Martian surface in the 2030s due to lack of funding. A total of $19.1 billion will be budgeted to NASA for the 2018 fis...

  • Research finds a new target in Parkinson’s treatment

    Emma Aldrich, LRHS Student Correspondent|Updated Jul 13, 2017

    The first step towards solving a problem is determining what causes the problem. Though it seems intuitive, it’s a fact whose value cannot be underestimated in the scientific community. Pure research, the kind that seeks to answer questions about the natural world, is constantly laying the foundation for applied research, the kind that uses what is known about the world’s problems to innovate new solutions. Consequently, the treatment of degenerative diseases of the brain, namely Parkinson’s Disease and Alzheimer’s Disease, i...

  • Washington Aerospace Scholars Summer Residency; pursuing a passion for learning

    Emma Aldrich, LRHS Student Correspondent|Updated Jul 6, 2017

    It was the famous Brazilian soccer player, Edson Arantes do Nascimento, better known as Pelé, who coined my favorite quote: “Success is no accident. It is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice, and most of all, love of what you are learning to do.” These words serve as strong reminder that success is not the goal, but rather a byproduct of a deeply rooted passion for learning. As a result, I have an undying curiosity that demands my attention. This was my motivation last November when I began Phase One of t...

  • Reflecting on the impact of foreign exchange students

    Emma Aldrich, LRHS Student Correspondent|Updated Jun 29, 2017

    For the six foreign exchange students that attended LRHS, their trip to America has come to a close. However, the impact that their time here made on themselves and those around them remain. After returning to Spain, Miguel Saez explained, “I’m not the same person now. Spending a year in America changed me in every sense a person can change.” Outlining how she changed, Elaine Chiu said, “Over the whole year, I think I became more confident, outgoing, and responsible.” “I’m so happy that I got the chance to be an exchange s...

  • HOBY Leadership Seminar inspires LRHS students

    Emma Aldrich, LRHS Student Correspondent|Updated Jun 22, 2017

    “Attitude reflects leadership, Captain,” said Julius Campbell to his teammate Gerry Bertier in the well-known film, Remember the Titans. In efforts to improve their leadership and the attitudes of those around them, three LRHS rising juniors attended the Hugh O’Brian Youth (HOBY) Leadership Seminar last week. Hannah Anderson, Angel Perez and Chelsie Waterson were recommended for the experience by HOBY veterans Megan Buriak and Lizette Silva as well as by LRHS teacher Kathy McAnally to attend the three-day conference at Washi...

  • School Boards to include student representation

    Emma Aldrich, LRHS Student Correspondent|Updated Jun 15, 2017

    In the interest of including different perspectives in important decisions, the Lind and Ritzville School Boards were recently joined by two student representatives, Crystal Silva from Lind School District and Emma Aldrich from Ritzville School District. Silva and Aldrich were selected to attend board meetings for the year, to provide insight from the perspective of students, and to share with their fellow students the topics discussed during meetings. While the decisions made during board meetings directly impact the...

  • STEM club returns to Mount St. Helens

    Emma Aldrich, LRHS Student Correspondent|Updated Jun 8, 2017

    Over Memorial Day weekend, the LRHS Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) club took a trip across the state to explore Mount St. Helens and make connections between classroom concepts and the real world. Similarly to prior years, the trip consisted of interpretive hikes and visitations to Clear Lake Falls Vista, Woods Creek Natural Area, Iron Creek, Mount St. Helens National Volcanic Monument Main Visitor Center, Weyerhaeuser Forestry Center, Johnston Ridge...

  • Supply drive, walk to raise support for military dogs

    Emma Aldrich, LRHS Student Correspondent|Updated Jun 1, 2017

    Everyone has someone that they look up to as a source of strength in moments of weakness and integrity in times of adversity. Often, society calls them heroes. Of the images that come to mind upon mentioning “heroes”, likely very few imagine four legged, furry heroes. The United States War Dogs Association (USWDA) recognizes the service and sacrifices that military dogs make for their handlers and their country, and seeks to raise support for the unconventional heroes. In support of USWDA and all they do for the hon...

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