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Lind Town Council approves FEMA assistance for grants

The Lind Town Council approved to allow the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to search for grants to repair the roads in the town during the regular meeting on Tuesday, June 27.

As Mayor Pro-tem, Kathy White read an email from Mayor Jamie Schmunk requesting authorization to allow FEMA to find funding to repair the town roads affected by the winter.

The Council unanimously approved the request.

A local resident questioned if the construction for the Storm Water Project would conflict with the repairs made by FEMA.

Clerk-Treasurer Kim Michaels stated the Storm Water Project is currently at a standstill because they are discussing project details with the Department of Ecology. She said the two projects should not conflict due to the different timelines and locations of the construction.

White stated Adams County Economic Development Director Stephen McFadden has contacted the town about scheduling a time to hold a public meeting regarding the marijuana moratorium.

McFadden said he would provide a list of dates he is available for the meeting to answer resident’s questions.

The Council agreed they would set a date for the public meeting at the July 11 meeting.

Councilmember Jim Dworshak expressed his concern about holding a public meeting prior to the expiration date of the moratorium. He suggested the Council consider extending the moratorium at the next meeting.

Michaels stated she would contact the town attorney about a possible extension.

White said the town is currently seeking applicants for the Deputy-Clerk position after Ruth Claypool announced her resignation. They will continue advertising the position until it is filled, she explained.

White recommended they request an exit interview from Claypool. Dworshak said he would like the interview to be in writing for the Council to review.

During the public requests, Jennifer Anderson requested the town vacate Lafayette Road that runs through her property to make it a private road. Anderson said the purpose of the request is to protect her property from thoroughfare traffic.

Michaels said she would contact Municipal Research and Services Center about vacating the road.


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