Eastern Adams County's Only Independent Voice Since 1887

Hospital candidate forum next week

AAUW will be hosting a Candidate Forum for hospital board members on Thursday, Sept. 29, from 7-9 p.m. at the Ritzville Grade School gymnasium. The format will be a forum, rather than a debate, with each candidate given the opportunity to respond to questions from moderator Dolly Blankenship. Questions may be submitted at the door, or from the floor. All questions will be vetted, to avoid duplications.

Following the forum candidates will be available to meet and greet those attending. Refreshments will be served in the foyer, where campaign literature will be displayed.

Joyce Preston, running for re-election, and Jeff Reynolds, will be attending the forum. Both are vying for Adams County Public Hospital District No. 2 Commissioner at Large position.

Incumbent Stacey Selcho Plummer and David McCormick are running for Adams County Public Hospital District No. 3 position.

Two new candidates for the hospital board, Curt Greenwalt and Jerry Snyder, are vying for Adams County Public Hospital District No. 4 Commissioner at Large position.


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