Eastern Adams County's Only Independent Voice Since 1887

From the Files

125 Years Ago

Adams County News

April 6, 1898

Local and Personal

A new well-drilling machine from St. Louis arrived in Ritzville Monday. It was consigned to H.H. Wilburn.

The force of railroad carpenters who have been here for the past two weeks went away Monday.

J.C. Gillette of Willis is in town today. Mr. Gillette has fell into possession of a runaway boy. The boy says he is from Spokane. Mr. Gillette does not want to keep the boy and don't want to turn him adrift. He will probably confer with the county authorities in regard to the matter today.

100 Years Ago

Ritzville-Journal Times

April 5, 1923

Ends life by hanging

Ed Telecky, a farmer residing in the Carico Hills on the Simas and Goodwater ranch, committed suicide this morning by hanging. The cause for the act is unknown, but probably was temporary insanity due to worry over home affairs. He had previously threated to take his life. He was a capable young farmer and successful in his farming operations. He is survived by his wife and three-year-old boy. He was a brother of John H., Frank B., Joe W., Charles, and Anton Telecky, all well-known farmers in the Ritzville community.

Local brevities

Mr. and Mrs. William Thiel and little son went to Spokane Tuesday night. Wednesday morning Mrs. Thiel and the baby left on No. 42 for her old home in Hastings, Nebraska, where they will make an extended visit with relatives.

75 Years Ago

Ritzville-Journal Times

April 1, 1948

Lad, 5, falls to his

death in Washtucna

Mickey Martin Bisson, five-year-old son of Max Bisson of Spokane and Mrs. Daisy Bisson of Washtucna, was fatally injured Saturday afternoon when he fell from the top of one of the Washtucna Grain Growers' elevators. Multiple head injuries sustained when his body struck crossbars on the downward plunge caused almost instant death. Mickey and another boy, Jimmy Taylor, were in search of pigeons when, according to L.L. Bassett, bookkeeper for the Grain Growers, they asked him for permission to go into the warehouse.

Bassett denied permission but the boys evidently crawled under the warehouse and up the ladder from the pit to the top of the elevator. From there they crept onto the platform. Apparently, Mickey lost his footing, for he plunged approximately 40 feet to the ground.

Hearing a loud thud in the direction of the warehouse, Walter Little, Washtucna water superintendent, who had been working nearby, ran to investigate. He found the boy crumpled on the ground and carried him to the office of Dr. A.L. Victor, Washtucna physician. Mickey was then rushed to Ritzville General hospital where artificial respiration was applied in a vain effort to revive him.

At the Ritz

Danny Kaye and Virginia Mayo in The Secret Life of Walter Mitty with Boris Karloff, Fay Bainter, and Ann Rutherford.

50 Years Ago

Ritzville-Journal Times

April 5, 1973

Burning hay truck saved

A truck loaded with burning baled hay was saved at the Don White place early Friday morning, but an adjoining machine shed was destroyed. Firemen learned, when they arrived, that White had driven the burning truckload of hay a couple hundred feet to a place where he could use a garden hose on the burning hay. Meanwhile the machine shed had burned to the ground by the time the firemen arrived.

Rural Fire Chief Fred Schwisow said the fire in the machine shed apparently had been burning an hour or more by the time firemen reached the White place, about a half mile north of the Milwaukee Road station Pizarro.

Continuing from Page 3

25 Years Ago

Ritzville-Journal Times

April 2, 1998

Internet, museum, jobs -all chamber meet topics

Internet service to Ritzville, the status of the Burroughs Museum, and The Depot as well as employees for jobs were topics of discussion by featured speakers at the March 25 general meeting of the Ritzville Area Chamber of Commerce.

High tech cardiac system approved for hospitals

Internet service to Ritzville, the status of the Burroughs Museum, and The Depot as well as employees for jobs were topics of discussion by featured speakers at the March 25 general meeting of the Ritzville Area Chamber of Commerce.

- The Journal


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