Eastern Adams County's Only Independent Voice Since 1887

Birthday and Anniversaries

LIND — Here are some of the birthdays and anniversaries around town this week, courtesy of the Lind Lion’s Club:

Birthdays — Kasey Willis, Jan. 2; Brett Haase, Jan. 4; Hudson Norton, Jan. 5; Rubben Labes and Anna (Kison) Lobe, Jan. 6; and Dewayne Smothermon, Jan. 7.

Anniversaries —Glenn and Chery Aby, Jan. 4; and Matt and Shelley Miller, Jan. 5.

Next week’s birthdays and anniversaries include:

Birthdays — Shay Anderson, Amelia Kiehn, and Brynlee Rhoten, Jan. 8; Wanda Rehn, Merrick Shepard and Alexis Perez, Jan. 10; Matthew Umnland and Miguel Saez Gomez, Jan. 11; Gregg Fode and Val Watson, Jan. 12; Leslie Ann Branson-Davis, Jan. 13; and Ray Baker, Jan. 14.

Anniversaries — Dewayne and Car Smothermon, Jan. 11.


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