Eastern Adams County's Only Independent Voice Since 1887


100 Years Ago

Ritzville-Journal Times

December 21, 1922

Lind Club Holds

Annual Banquet

The annual banquet of the Lind Commercial Club was held last Saturday night at Lind and a rousing meeting is reported. President Phil Bier and Secretary Richard B. Ott of the local commercial club and the quartette composed of Paul Morach, Carl Clodius, Will Rosenoff and Claire Willis represented Ritzville at the gathering. A much larger crowd would have gone down had it not been for the condition of the weather.

Local Brevities

A Ford truck and trailer loaded with an aeroplane came through yesterday morning traveling from Portland to Wenatchee. The drivers reported considerable trouble from snow, especially in the Columbia River gorge, and also some truck trouble.

Fred Schwerin started to drive down from Spokane Sunday but found the going too stiff and put up his car at Tyler, coming the rest of the way by train.

75 Years Ago

Ritzville-Journal Times

December 18, 1947

Lind Night Policeman is Stabbed

A 26-year-old Mexican railroad worker who admitted inflicting a knife wound on Emery Ott, night marshal at Lind, Wednesday was sentenced to not more than 10 years in the State reformatory by Superior Judge George Beardsley. Ott was stabbed about 10:30 p.m. Monday during a scuffle on Main Street in Lind. Sheriff Frank Lucas, who was called to Lind, said Hernandez took two or three wild swings with his knife before one counted. The blade penetrated Ott's coat and two pairs of pants and inflicted an injury in his stomach.

50 Years Ago

Ritzville-Journal Times

December 21, 1972

Rhoda Schrag Finalist in

Pillsbury Bake-Off

The contest she entered last August "just for something to do" has won Rhoda Schrag, 16-year-old Ritzville High School girl, an electric range, a mixer, a $100 check and an all-expense-paid trip to Beverly Hills.

Church Women Honor

Mrs. Phil Langford

The annual Christmas tea of the United Methodist Women featured the awarding of a life-time membership in the society to Mrs. Phil Langford. The honor was given by the group in recognition of Mrs. Langford's longtime service in the society. With it she received a certificate and a pin.

25 Years Ago

Ritzville-Journal Times

December 18, 1997

Broncos mat showing

brings mixed results

The Ritzville Bronco wrestlers took to the mats for two outings this past week and came back with mixed results. On Tuesday, Dec. 9, the team hosted a three-way potpourri with Brewster and Colfax and then Saturday took sixth in the 8-man Freeman dual match tournament. "Our veteran kids wrestled like we expected them to and our rookies wrestled like rookies," said Bronco Coach Mike Lynch. "We are coming along and show some signs of getting better."

Officers seeking

'Santa-type' subject

Two reports were received from Ritzville residents last Saturday, Dec. 13, regarding a subject that looked like "Santa Claus." A 10-year-old juvenile reported that an older man in a red car honked at him and motioned him over to the vehicle at 12:47 p.m. in the downtown area. The subject was described as having white hair, beard and moustache which all flowed together with a small black dog in the car. The juvenile ran to his residence where Ritzville police were summoned but could not locate the car or subject.

--The Journal


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