Eastern Adams County's Only Independent Voice Since 1887

Obituary policy

Free Press Publishing newspapers accept paid death notices and paid obituaries.

Death notices cost $20 and may include name, age, date and location of death. The base cost for obituaries is $100 for up to 450 words and one black-and-white, one-column photograph. Obituaries of 451-700 words cost $150, including one photo. For obituaries exceeding 700 words, there is a $50 charge for up to an additional 250 words.

Additional one-column photographs cost $10 each. Obituaries are paid biographies. As such, they should tell the life story of the deceased.

Due to state and federal laws, we cannot publish copyright material, such as poems and songs.

Obituaries, information requests and billing questions should be directed to specialist Linda Pantzer at Cheney Free Press. She can be reached at 509-235-6184 Option 0 or email [email protected].


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