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Ritzville Schools, Parks and Rec measures passing

The initial results for the Feb 14 Special Election were counted on Feb. 14. The ballot included two Ritzville propositions.

The Ritzville School District Bond is passing with 467 voters in favor of the bond and 254 rejecting to total an approval rate of a 64.77 percent for the bond.

The bond needs a super majority of 60 percent to pass. The bond included making modern advances, improvements and the construction of school facilities.

A survey taken in 2015 ranked the condition of the Ritzville Grade School as fair and the Lind-Ritzville High School as in poor condition. The Ritzville School Board of Directors voted in favor of placing the bond on the ballot in order to make necessary improvements to the aging facilities.

The district ran two bonds last year, and the only major change from the previous bonds was the elimination of the construction of the auxiliary gym.

The modernization of the Lind-Ritzville High School is the primary project of the bond, but smaller upgrades will also be made district wide in various areas.

Additional projects include improvements for the health, safety, security, energy efficiency and infrastructure throughout the school facilities. District-wide instructional technology upgrades are also included on the bond.

The amount is set for $11 million of general obligation bonds with 15 years of collection, totaling an estimated rate of $2.81 per thousand of assessed valuation. The construction work is expected to begin as early as summer of 2017.

The Adams County Parks and Recreation District No. 4 capital improvement levy was the second proposition on the ballot. The levy passed with a 71.59 percent approval rate, with 467 voters being in favor of the levy and 204 rejecting.

The proposed levy is $80,000 for the resurfacing of the recreational pool at the Ritzville Water Park facilities. The levy is for collection in 2018, but the work is expected to be completed at the pool prior to the 2017 opening.

The recreation pool is in need of resurfacing due to the continuous deterioration of the pool, which causes issues for pool patrons.

The parks and recreation board members expressed their concerns about the issues causing restrictions or possible closure of the pool if not fixed immediately.

The 15-year-old recreation pool includes a wading pool for young swimmers, a water slide and is also used for annual swimming lessons.

The pool has not been resurfaced since the original construction and the material is expected to last 10-12 years after resurfacing with proper maintenance.

The Adams County Auditor’s Office will complete a second count on Feb. 17 for the remaining ballots. There are an estimated 100 ballots left to tabulate.

For updated election information, visit http://co.adams.wa.us and follow the “Elections” tab.


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