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Property owners fix nuisance issues

City Council acknowledges cleanup work

RITZVILLE – Following a Tuesday, March 19, show-cause hearing, the City Council determined property at 105 W. Sixth Ave. is no longer a “nuisance” as defined by Article III of the city code.

The decision comes about a month after city employees photographed the property, documenting scrap piles, abandoned vehicles and appliances, a sagging fence, debris accumulation and fire hazards.

That was Feb. 19. The next day, Feb. 20, a letter was sent to property owners Scott Gilder and Tammy Clemm-Gilder directing them to clean up the property.

An hour before the show-cause hearing, Mayor Scott Yaeger took additional photos of the property.

His photos showed the owners had removed abandoned vehicles and corrected several other deficiencies.

City Clerk-Treasurer Julie Flyckt noted significant improvements.

“It looks like they’ve made a good effort to clean up the property this past week,” Councilwoman Jen Verhey said,

Other council members concurred and directed the city to forestall administrative abatement procedures.


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