Eastern Adams County's Only Independent Voice Since 1887

Taxpayers expected to take on too much

Is it reasonable to believe that Ritzville citizens can continue to fund expensive projects with a declining population?

City taxpayers are obligated to pay millions of dollars for bungled city projects and the failure to maintain water and sewer systems. District taxpayers are obligated to pay millions of dollars for a hospital/clinic that was not properly maintained all the while taxpayers voluntarily funded regular maintenance levies. School district taxpayers are being asked to approve millions more to add, repair and replace district structures. These taxpayers too have been faithfully passing maintenance levies. It seems that no one has been held responsible for the millions of dollars wasted by elected officials.

Why did the bond fail? Apparently, not enough accurate information was shared with the public and a failure of the authorities to address points of misinformation apparently held by voters.

Sometimes no really is meant to be understood as no. The bond may have failed for many reasons. Perhaps some folks were offended at the idea they were not sending their children to bed at a reasonable hour or eating with their children at dinner. The solution to parental neglect was another gym. We were told “taxes are already too high” but we should vote for the bond. After the bond failed, others are suggesting voters may not have exercised “due diligence.”

Perhaps some voters wondered why they ought to provide another building to the care of elected officials who cannot or will not properly care for the buildings already under their care. Maybe the answer to the bond failure is no more complicated that the demand for taxes has put a number of families in a difficult financial spot.

For those who insist this bond must be passed, please read the first paragraph and consider the second paragraph.

Barry Boyer, Ritzville


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