Eastern Adams County's Only Independent Voice Since 1887

Casting support for Hille

I have had the pleasure of knowing Adalia Hille since she first moved to Ritzville thirty years ago. I marveled at her stamina and dedication as she held down the District Court Judge position and returned to school.

She finished her Bachelor’s Degree at Eastern Washington University. She then went on to law school, graduating from Gonzaga Law School in 2000, and passed the Washington State Bar the following year. She is a role model for women (and men) everywhere.

Judge Adalia Hille has served as Adams County District Court Judge with dignity and distinction since 1991. She is well-respected by her peers in the state of Washington. She has also been appointed as a Pro Tem Superior Court Judge since 2001, and can/has filled in at the Adams County Superior Court when she is called upon. She has had only two reversals on the thousands and thousands of filings in District Court since she became judge…a shining record.

I read Prosecutor Randy Flyckt’s Letter to the Editor, dated September 25, 2014, indicating that Judge Hille, at age 65, should RETIRE!! Really?? I feel his comments smack of age discrimination and frankly am appalled at his insidious statements. The 60’s (the is the decade of age between the 50’s and the 70’s and not the 1960’s) are a vibrant time for many. Child-rearing is done, and people have the time and energy to fully devote to their professions, not to mention the life experiences that provide wisdom.

For many, the best is yet to come. Flyckt’s “ageism” remarks are an affront to all Adams County residents---whether you are already “older” or heading that way.

I stand behind Judge Adalia Hille and fully support her re-election as Adams County District Court Judge. I urge a “YES” vote in the coming election for Judge Hille.

Sally Powers, Ritzville


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