Eastern Adams County's Only Independent Voice Since 1887

Falsities are hindering judicial campaign

Judicial campaigns are generally bland. Unfortunately, the race for Ritzville District Court Judge has been contaminated by the Prosecuting Attorney and his Deputy Prosecutor.

In judicial campaigns there are rules to be followed by the individual attorneys involved. These rules apply to a sitting judge and a candidate for a judicial position.

RPC (Rules of Professional Conduct) 8.2(a) states:

“A lawyer shall not make a statement that the lawyer knows to be false or with reckless disregard as to its truth or falsity concerning the qualifications, integrity, or record of a judge, an adjudicatory officer or public legal officer, or of a candidate for election or appointment to judicial or legal office.”

Prosecutor Flyckt has disseminated misinformation concerning the Honorable Adalia Hille, the current District Court Judge. His deputy prosecutor has failed to disavow those lies.

The truth is:

The Honorable Adalia Hille is an attorney. Her Washington State Bar Association number is 33253

The Honorable Adalia Hille does not suffer from any health issues.

When casting your vote for the Ritzville District Court Judge ask yourself the following question:

“Do I want a Judge who is fair, knowledgeable, experienced and ethical?”

“Do I want a Judge who is unethical, fails to follow the rules, condones misstatements by her boss and who has never held a judicial office?”

The actions and statements coming out of the Adams County Prosecutor’s Office should not be condoned. They should be condemned.

Please cast you vote for the Honorable Adalia Hille.

Dennis W. Morgan, Republic


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