Eastern Adams County's Only Independent Voice Since 1887

Apathy is hurting the population

America has a new insidious disease that is choking the life out of our population!

It’s called apathy.

We are rapidly developing to what is going on around us.

Korea and Vietnam should have awakened us! Or when we passed one trillion dollars for our national debt during President Ronald Reagan’s time in office. Then we have President Bill Clinton who was brash enough to tax social security and lie about Monica. The fiasco of Iraq during the Bush years as our debt is climbing at a faster rate.

Then we have Obamacare; Afghanistan; the debt climbing to $17 trillion and our President playing fast and loose with our constitution.

Our liberal Senate and President who have been so insistent on turning our once proud nation into a welfare state and still the majority are saying and doing nothing.

We have obviously become an apathetic society and living in a state of denial.

Perhaps events have been so drastic and unbelievable that we have turned to self-medication as we stumble along denial. After all we liberalized alcohol laws and we legalized marijuana even before Obama basically gave it his endorsement.

What a mess we leave for our children!

Gerald W. Ray, Spokane


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