Eastern Adams County's Only Independent Voice Since 1887

President’s decisions are concerning

I am astonished at our presidents’ lack of diplomacy as he is forced to battle one crisis after another. The drone strike that killed the Taliban leader came just one day after peace talks were to commence.

The Pakistani leader Imban Khan had warned the U.S. Ambassador that American drone strikes should not be carried out while Pakistan was trying to hold peace talks and especially no Taliban leader should be targeted. Mr. Khan added that he felt that the U.S. was trying to deliberately scuttle the peace progress.

He made threats of blocking trucks that were carrying supplies to the NATO troops. This could be very costly as it would endanger troops to be short of supplies. Several years ago Russia found out the hard way that this area is a tough place to have a war as they were forced to withdraw after several years of many lost lives.

President Obama’s recent statement, “I am really good at killing people” was really difficult for me to understand. This was an irritant to hundreds of millions of people who already hate us.

Why would he do this?

Gerald W. Ray, Spokane


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