Eastern Adams County's Only Independent Voice Since 1887

Make plans to attend water park’s 10th birthday

The Ritzville Water Park is turning 10 years old and the Adams County Park and Recreation Department No. 4 is inviting the community to attend a birthday party on Saturday, July 28 from 1 p.m. until 6 p.m. at the Ritzville City Park.

The birthday celebration is complete with carnival games, free cupcakes, races in the pool, a barbeque in the park and a silent auction.

The games include fishing, ping-pong toss, “paintball” water balloon fights and more. Tickets are five for a $1 or 25 cents each.

Dinner is $7 and includes a choice of hamburger or hotdog, and a selection of many traditional barbeque side dishes.

All proceeds will be added to the fund for the replacement of the small slide and repair of the alligator at the water park.


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