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Bronco girls hold off Jaguars

Tri-Cities Prep rally falls short in Pasco

PASCO – Zoe Galbreath scored 44 points Thursday night to lead the Bronco girls to victory over Tri-Cities Prep.

The Broncos (5-3, 2-2 in league) lead the game from start to finish.

The Lind-Ritzville/Sprague girls took a 21-18 lead in the first quarter and a 45-27 lead to the locker room at halftime.

The Jaguars rallied in the third quarter, outscoring the Broncos, 18-12, narrowing the margin to 57-45.

The Jaguars rally continued into the final stanza, with Tri-Cities Prep outscoring Lind-Ritzville, 21-13, closing the margin by 8 more points.

But the rally wasn’t enough to overcome the Broncos’ lead, and Lind-Ritzville won 70-66.

Zoe Galbreath was joined by Saige Galbreath and Harlee Hennings with strong play for the Broncos.

Saige Galbreath posted 11 points and Hennings 9.

Addy Colbert, Mendez and Cameron each added 2 points for the Broncos.


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