Eastern Adams County's Only Independent Voice Since 1887






Pursuant to RCW 43.21C.080,

notice is hereby given that

Adams County did on June 26,

2023 make a Determination of

Nonsignificance (DNS), for the

following application.

Description of Proposal: Adams

County plans to take the following

non-project actions:

1. Adding a new Chapter to

Adams County Code Title 17

Zoning. Chapter 17.72 Solar

Energy Facilities.

Purpose a. To provide areas

suitable for the establishment

of Solar Energy Facilities based

upon where Solar Energy Facilities

can be sited and mitigated in

relation to the County’s adopted

agricultural zoning.

b. To provide site criteria for the

utilization of the county’s solar

energy resources. Each solar

energy facility will be subjected

to individualized review and the

imposition of conditions based

on site-specific information

that will be tailored to address

project impacts in accordance

with the adopted site criteria.

The ultimate goal is to achieve

a predictable but sensitive site

process that effectively and

efficiently addresses project impacts.

The project is location: All

of unincorporated areas of Adams

County Copies of the SEPA

checklist and other documentation

are available at Adams

County Planning Department

at 449 E Cedar Blvd, Othello,

Washington 99344, Phone

Number: 509.488.9441. Pursuant

to WAC 197-11-340(2),

Adams County will not act on

this proposal for 14 days from

July 5th 2023. Timely comments

on this threshold determination

must be received no later than

4:00 PM, July 24th, 2023. A

public hearing shall be held on

July 27, 2023, at 10:00 am to

be located at 425 E Main Street

in Othello WA, 99344. Where additional public comments will

be taken at that time. You may

also attend this public hearing

virtually using the link located

on the Planning Commission

Web page under Building and

Planning on the Adams County

Website. S/Adams County

Planning Dept.

Published July 5, 2023.


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