Eastern Adams County's Only Independent Voice Since 1887


The South Columbia Basin Irrigation

District is providing public

notice that it will be applying

aquatic herbicides to its irrigation

canals, drains, and wasteways in

accordance with

Washington Department of Ecology

Permit No. WAG991000.

The purpose of the herbicide

applications is to control aquatic

weeds within the irrigation

delivery and drainage systems.

Treatments will be to all irrigation

canals, drains, and wasteways

constructed by the United

States Bureau of Reclamation

within the boundaries of the

South Columbia Basin Irrigation

District located in Adams, Grant,

Franklin, and Walla Walla Counties.

The pesticides to be used for

aquatic weed control are: Magnacide-

H (acrolein), Phelps

Dodge Copper Sulfate (copper

sulfate), Aquatic Weed Killer

(xylene), Captain and Captain

XTR (chelated copper), Argos

8% (chelated copper), F-30

Algae Control (chelated Copper)

and Clearcast, Cascade, and

Teton (endothall).

Treatments will be daily on

various canals, drains, and

wasteway systems from April

2023 through March 2024. All

systems will be treated at varying

intervals, depending on label

recommendations, to maintain

the efficacy of the treatments

throughout the treated areas.

Treatment sites will be posted

in accordance with Permit

WAG991000 with the name and

telephone number of the South

Columbia Basin Irrigation District.

Waters within the

delivery system of the South

Columbia Basin Irrigation District

are intended for agriculture

purposes only and are not for

human consumption or primary

contact such as swimming or

for aquaculture. Canals are dangerous.

They have constructed

facilities and submerged

features that are harmful to

human life. All facilities are

constructed on easements of the

United States Bureau of Reclamation,

are not for public access,

and are intended for

authorized purposes only. District

facilities are posted and are

located on private property.

Chemicals will be applied under

the direction of Matt Morgan,

SCBID Aquatics Program

Manager, telephone (509) 547-

1735. The Washington Department

of Ecology contact is

Ms. Danielle Edelman, Southwest

Regional Office, telephone

(360) 407-7118, fax (360)

407-6426, e-mail danielle.edelman@


Published February 22, 2023


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