Eastern Adams County's Only Independent Voice Since 1887

NOTICE of Application & SEPA Threshold

NOTICE of Aplication

& SEPA Threshold


Pursuant to RCW 43.21C.080,

notice is hereby given that Adams

County did on December

19th, 2022 make a Determination

of Nonsignificance (DNS),

for the following application

proposed Stahl 1268 N Deal

Rd Potato Storage Facility,

from Agent Stahl HB Trust 1485

N Hoffman Rd Ritzville, WA,

99169. The project includes:

Construct of an approximate

131,000 sq ft. potato storage

building. The project will disturb

approximately 20,000 sq

ft of additional area, including

grading, temporary stock piling

and back filling excavated

materials. About 40,000...


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