Eastern Adams County's Only Independent Voice Since 1887

Bronco girls sweep Crusaders

Girls varsity wins 'nerve racking' finale, 28-26

RITZVILLE – The Lind-Ritzville/Sprague/Washtucna/Harrington girls varsity volleyball team celebrated Homecoming by sweeping Northwest Christian (Colbert), 3-0, during a Northeast 2B matchup Thursday evening, Oct. 6.

While the local Broncos swept the Crusaders, the sets were close, "way too close," Coach Cari Galbreath said.

Set scores were 25-18, 25-23 and 28-26.

"It was way too close," the coach said of the final game. "Kudos to Northwest."

The win came shortly after the junior varsity team took a 2-1 win over the visiting Crusaders.

In the varsity matchup, Galbreath credited several Broncos...


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