Eastern Adams County's Only Independent Voice Since 1887

New Master Gardeners sought

Ever thought about becoming a Master Gardener Volunteer? Approximately every other year, classes are held to train new volunteers. The training is offered through Washington State University (WSU), with instruction held here in Grant County and is organized by our own veteran master gardeners. The next scheduled weekly classes start this fall assuming we get enough applicants. It would be great if interested individuals would apply for this unique opportunity before the August 1 deadline.

The program is structured with online course work, in person classes/labs, and field trips. Some of the training topics include soils, weeds, lawns, pesticides, fruits and vegetables, landscape plants, plant pathology and insects, and sustainable gardening. As part of the training, interns get involved with many different types of volunteer activities as part of group efforts. Participants who complete the training through WSU are a special group of dedicated individuals certified as WSU Master Gardeners. To maintain certification, we annually volunteer and take the required number of continuing education hours. All WSU Grant-Adams Master Gardeners agree to provide unbiased, science-based information on issues of importance to the communities in which we live. Using these principles, we promote alternatives that help conserve and enhance our natural resources in a sustainable manner. While all of us serve in some capacity as community educators, we often rely on our strengths and are involved with or focus on activities that we enjoy within home horticulture and gardening. We work exclusively with rural and urban yards, gardens and landscaping. Right now, we are a relatively small group who work together to solve questions and issues, participate on activities that benefit the community or the region, or plan/teach at events. We all thrive on gardening, enjoy learning, and in helping to provide some of that knowledge to others.

There are lots of possibilities to volunteer. Some of the activities we do as outreach include providing diagnoses about plants and insect challenges through our online or face-to-face plant clinics. Or, we compile and pass out educational materials at clinics, farmers markets, workshops or county fairs.

We maintain three demonstration gardens in Moses Lake, Othello, and Soap Lake, collaborate with schools and/or provide hands-on training sessions. Some of us make presentations to local groups, adults and/or youth or to other Master Gardeners. Others write articles for a quarterly newsletter or local newspapers or are interviewed for articles, on radio or other news media.

We often have a representative at the local Saturday farmers market in Moses Lake, May-October and Quincy, June-September answering questions or you can email us at [email protected]. Applications are available by going to https://extension.wsu.edu/grant/gardening/master_gardeners/ and scrolling down to Become a Master Gardener Volunteer. The basic training brochure and program applications are there. The application can be returned via email to the [email protected], mailed or brought to the Grant County Extension Office at 1525 E. Wheeler Road, Moses Lake, WA 98837.


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