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Well-traveled doctor Nelson McKay enjoys EARH

RITZVILLE – Dr. Nelson McKay (30) joined East Adams Rural Health Care in October 2021. An Iowa native, McKay attended Ashford University in Clinton, Iowa. Not knowing exactly what he wanted to do, he studied business and biology. Following Ashford, McKay enrolled in Ross University School of Medicine in the Commonwealth of Dominica, an island country in the Caribbean. After completing the 2 year medical sciences curriculum, McKay did 2 years of clinical rotations at various teaching hospitals in the United States and United Kingdom. McKay did his medical residency in the Shenandoah Valley, at Winchester, VA. graduating in June 2021.

When asked about choosing East Adams County, McKay said he “was looking for a rural location.” He thinks there is an appealing quality of life offered in smaller communities. When he and his girlfriend, Danise, visited Ritzville they both said “yes we can do this.” So they bought a house and have been fixing it up.

Professionally McKay says EARH “is a good opportunity.” He works with out-patient cases and in the Emergency Room. For now McKay is building his practice. A significant concern with the challenges of the pandemic has been people avoiding health care facilities, and not receiving screening and testing they should have. McKay would like to facilitate additional access to specialists, or advanced testing patients might need.

The two enjoy outdoor activities like hiking and skiing. Danise plans to enroll in flight school at Moses Lake to become a commercial pilot.


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