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Council members take oath of office

RITZVILLE – Three City Council members took the oath of office, Tuesday, Dec. 21.

Adams County Auditor Heidi Hunt administered the oath to new Councilwoman Marsha Reimers Smith, and to re-elected Councilmen Scott Yaeger and Mike Schrag.

Councilwoman Michelle Plumb was also re-elected, but was not present for the ceremony.

During the meeting, the council bid farewell to outgoing Councilman Mark Weigand.

Mayor Linda Kadlec thanked Weigand for his service, and recognized his support and advocacy for the Ritzville golf course.

The council also approved Ordinance No. 2158 amending the 2021 city budget to appropriate funds for unanticipated revenues and allocations in the Current Expense, Utility Tax, Law and Justice Contributions and Sewer Funds.

After considerable discussion it was determined the amendments, in the amount of $512,100, would be borrowed from the Street Fund until additional reimbursement and revenue is received.

The council also discussed a contract proposal dated Dec. 14, 2021, from Ritzville Golf Course Manager Daniel Duff.

The proposal outlined compensation and cost-of-living adjustments through 2024, beginning with an increase in 2022, from $4,500 to $5,000 per month.

There was some concern on the part of the council that the proposal was not timely, in that it was received after the golf course budget for 2022 had been established. But the council agreed to offer a contract for 2022 in the amount of $4,635 per month, which represents a 3% cost-of-living increase.

The mayor said she would work with the golf course manager in the coming year on the operation, reporting and budget.

In other business:

• Three agreements were approved with Shea, Carr and Jewell, Inc. of Lacey, doing business as SCJ Alliance, for services related to updating the city’s comprehensive plan, development and analysis of a transportation plan and ongoing city planning tasks. Estimated expenditures in 2022 for SCJ Alliance planning services are $48,719.75.

• An agreement with Tara Dunford, CPA, of Yelm, was approved for accounting and financial reporting services during 2022. The agreement calls for services as needed, not to exceed 30 hours or $4,950.

• A change order to repair a new sidewalk, damaged by heavy truck traffic and to install concrete bollards at Weber Road and Galbreath Way was approved in the amount of $15,176. The bollards are intended to keep trucks from cutting the corner and further damaging the new sidewalk.

• City Clerk-Treasurer Julie Flyckt reported City Hall would be closed Friday, Dec. 31, in observance of the New Year holiday.


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