Eastern Adams County's Only Independent Voice Since 1887


100 years ago

The Ritzville


Dec. 8, 1921

To complete road at Lind

Mitchell Bros. were awarded the contract for surfacing five and three quarters miles of the Central Washington Highway south from Lind by the board of county commissioners on Tuesday afternoon. There were seven bids presented, the competition being unusually keen.

During the war years some times there were very few bidders on road jobs, but now conditions are more settled, the risks to contractors are not so great, work has lessoned considerably so there is more competition among bidders.

This figures at the rate of $2,860 per mile, which is regarded as quite reasonable.

75 years ago

The Ritzville


Dec. 5 1946

Harrington first victim of

sharp shooting Townies

Ritzville's Townies basketball team traveled to Harrington last Saturday night for their opening game in the newly formed town basketball league and after a close, see-saw battle all the way, finally stood off a last minute rally by the Harrington team and won their first game 31 to 29.

The lead changed hands several time during the game and it was Ritzville's superiority on teh free throw line which provided the margin of victory as Harrington was ahead in the field goal department.

"Blatz" Schwisow stole the show for the Townies, garnering 15 points to be high man for the game.

50 years ago

The Ritzville


Dec. 9, 1971

Salary boosts budgeted by county

The county's 1972 budget provides a $35-a-month salary increase across the boards for 40 court house employees.

And it raises salaries of elected officials from $1,450 to $2,500 a year.

Road department employees were given a raise of 10 per cent. They had asked for 15 per cent.

Final 1970 Adams county population figure, made official early in 1972, advanced the country from sixth to fifth class.

The board of county commissioners has recently studied the salaries paid by the other fifth class counties in the state, Douglas, Stevens, Asotin and Pacific.

25 years ago

Ritzville Adams

County Journal

Dec. 5, 1996

Adams County faces

1997 budget shortfall

"We don't want to lay anyoe off and we're having to make some hard calls," said Adams County Commissioner and board chairman Bill Wills on Monday.

Wills made the statement during the weekly session with Adams County Public Works Director Dick Owings.

Job reclassification requests for 1997 added approximately $185,000 to the county's budget said Wills.

The board, instead of granting the requests, is opting to continue its reclassification freeze.

Owings asked if that meant the creating of an Emergency Services director was dead and Wills said, "That is pretty much the way it is."

– Journal-Times


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