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School administrators call for return of sports

RITZVILLE – School administrators and leaders across the region sent a letter to Governor Jay Inslee, the Department of Health and Washington State Legislators Dec. 10, calling for an immediate return of sports and extracurricular activities to area school districts.

The letter was initiated by Reardan Superintendent Eric Sobotta and Davenport Superintendent Jim Kowalbowski, and signed by 71 school administrators and athletic directors.

“We have a moral obligation to take action for our students,” the letter states in the opening paragraph, pointing out data shows statewide and regionally that enrollment is down overall, academic grades of D’s and F’s have never been higher, remote learning continues to prove difficult, students are struggling with their mental health, and the use of illegal substances appears to be on the rise as students grasp for things to help them cope.

The letter points out that current policies are focusing on the physical health of students at the expense of their mental and emotional health, despite public education’s proclamation to focus on the “whole child.”

Playing to Inslee’s call for “equity,” the letter writers state that while students of means are able to engage in athletic opportunities off campus, schools offer opportunities to students of all skill levels and financial means.

“Restricting the ability of schools forces students and families to pursue avenues that are cost prohibitive and have fewer safety measures,” the letter states.

The authors of the letter go on to point out, “The data is showing very limited transmission of the virus within schools leading to the conclusion that the school campus is one of the safest places a student can be during this pandemic.”

Among the signatories was Lind Ritzville Cooperative School District Athletic Director Greg Whitmore.

“We are hoping that by advocating for kids and especially kids in small schools, we can get our kids back participating once the spikes in Covid go down,” Whitmore said. “We would like some more local control so we aren’t necessarily held to the same metrics as more populated areas such as King County.”

Whitmore said he though school staff have been doing a good job ensuring there was no spread of COVID-19 in the schools, and felt they could continue that success in the gyms, weight rooms and on school athletic fields.

Adams County had the following school administrators and leaders sign:

Don Vanderholm



Kevin Terris

HS Principal

Lind-Ritzville School District

Greg Whitmore

Athletic Director

Lind-Ritzville School District

– See the full letter and signatories online at RitzvilleJournal.com.


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