Eastern Adams County's Only Independent Voice Since 1887

Thankful for Ritzville Grade School staff

I have been teaching at the high school level for over 30 years. Today, however, I am going to take off my “Teacher Hat” and leave on my “Mom Hat”.

I am so impressed with and proud of our Ritzville Grade School staff. What goes on inside this building is something not many parents get to see on a regular basis. Those of you who volunteer in our schools or are fortunate to be married to one of our staff members may have a front row seat that gives you a better glimpse.

As parents, Paul and I did not teach our two boys, now in third and fifth grade, to read and write. We did not drill them on their math facts. We did not hover over them to make sure they did their homework correctly.

Like many parents we forget sometimes to read or sign papers in a timely manner. We do not check on a regular basis to see their grades or missing assignments on Skyward.

I must admit Paul is much better at all the checking and signing than I am.

My point is, our kids do little schoolwork under our guidance at home, so almost all that they learn academically is from the amazing teachers they have had in their formative years. For that we are very thankful!

What have my boys learned from the entire staff at Ritzville Grade School?

They have had bus drivers give them treats and smiles when they ride to Munga and Papa’s house, custodians and lunch ladies that say, “Don’t worry I can do that for you”, teachers that prepare them well and say to them before Bi County competitions, “I believe in you!”, music teachers that teach them to stand and be proud of our flag, a secretary that knows their names and which bus they ride when they go to Munga and Papa’s house, staff that give them donuts and hot chocolate because they show up to be crossing guards, teachers that model patience and kindness to all by making sure every student learns to the best of their ability, a principal that greets them out front every morning to make sure they have a great start to a great day and then makes sure they get safely on the right bus at the end of that day.

All these staff members have created a well-oiled system that takes care of the academic and social needs of our boys. We can then enjoy the fun part of being parents: cherish and love them, feed and clothe them, guide them to make good decisions and play, play, play!

If they didn’t work so hard at Ritzville Grade School, we wouldn’t get to play so hard when they come home!

Kathy McAnally, Ritzville


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