Eastern Adams County's Only Independent Voice Since 1887

Responses to Candidate Bell

Response to Paula Bell from Oct. 4 Meet the Candidates Night:

1. Future for the town of Lind. Her response to the question for the future of the Town of Lind was I do not have a crystal ball to see into the future. Wrong answer. This is supposed to be your vision and ideas for the town.

2. Your platform as you have stated is to make sure we are not overspending. This is fine if you are verifying every reimbursement for meals and lodging, but you do not question the thousands of dollars billed for outside services to check for accuracy.

Basically you are waging a personal war against the current mayor. Why were you not so inclined to do so for the previous administration? That administration was riddled with scandal and mismanagement.

3. Your overdue water bill is your responsibility to notify the town’s Public Works Department to shut off the water, if necessary by written letter. You were negligent in doing so. You were notified of this two years ago.

Six months after it, you, a sitting council member, filed suit against the town. That action was and is morally wrong and unethical. That suit was unjustified and is evident by your having dropped the suit, and paying your bill two years later.

The only reason you have done so is because you are running for mayor of the town you have filed suit against.

4. The only conclusion drawn from this is you are not a good candidate for mayor.

5. At least the current mayor states that she loves this town and wants to see it grow and prosper.

James Dworshak, Lind


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