Eastern Adams County's Only Independent Voice Since 1887

Minimum wage increase will bring changes

Unions are pushing hard for a $15 minimum wage. This will bring more people sneaking across the boarders and large numbers of people losing their jobs. McDonalds has already warned of large numbers losing their jobs. Robots have been developed that will replace them.

Schools will have to do a better job of preparing students to earn a living wage!

Inflation that followed the Carter recession was prevalent under Reagan’s terms as he stimulated employment. Our nation debt surpassed 1 trillion for the first time. Reagan did not react soon enough and now 17 trillion is history.

Businesses must be able to make a reasonable profit or they have no reason to stay in business. Our problems with workers, unions and businesses have come at various times when either business or labor tries to get more than a fair share.

World War II had wage and price controls to help keep workers, wages and profits balanced.

The sixties great society emergence was an exercise in futility as far as peoples’ lives getting better financially as wage increases brought higher prices.

So people earned more money but unless they bought less they were no better off!

Gerald W. Ray, Spokane


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