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Urging candidates to discuss ‘real issues’

Our pre-election process of selecting two presidential candidates drags on. The mainstream press is jumping at every misspoken statement or word.

Bernie and Hillary are showing that they are fantasists. Bernie has stated a tax rate of 90 percent is just right as “this is not a time to think small.” Hillary has been more cautious about stating numbers but her extensive programs are as costly as Bernie’s.

The Red candidates are not talking taxes as they seem to be more interested in degrading each other, using school yard lack of common sense.

I hope that the remaining candidates, Red and Blue, wake up to the realization that they need to talk about how they would address the real issues.

The state department has suspended its review of 22 emails that they have classified as “top secret” because they don’t want to impede the investigation of the F.B.I.! Donald Trump is falling out of favor rapidly because he misspoke about abortion.

Wouldn’t it be interesting if we wound up with two choices for president who have not been part of the constantly changing polls that were changing because someone hiccupped?

Gerald W. Ray, Spokane


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