Eastern Adams County's Only Independent Voice Since 1887

Endorsing candidate Paula Bell

It is with pleasure that I declare my support of Paula Bell for Lind Town Council Position #4. Paula has had ten years of experience in this office, and has proven her commitment towards improving the social and financial integrity of the Town of Lind.

Paula has been a resident of Lind since 1976. She has dedicated her heart and soul to her teaching career, instilling a sense of pride in the hundreds of students that have passed through her classroom doors.

It is with that same dedication that she has chosen to serve her community, showing great concern for Lind residents by listening to people’s problems and striving to resolve those issues. Her honest and practical approach sets her apart from other candidates. Paula is trustworthy and epitomizes determination, fairness and a “whatever-it-takes” attitude.

There will be ample opportunities in the next few weeks to analyze the aims and objectives of the various competitors in the upcoming election. I believe Paula will address the existing weaknesses that we currently find in the City structure. She will listen to the needs of the people and stand strong against the things she believes are not in our best interests.

You deserve a say in who runs our Town. Please give Paula Bell your support.

Vi Holland, Lind


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