Eastern Adams County's Only Independent Voice Since 1887

Senior Center updates

H.E. Gritman Senior Center is gearing up for 2015. Dues of $10 are due, per the constitution of the organization this gives you voting privileges during the year. These funds also help with operating expenses and the use of the facility.

We serve pancake breakfast the 2nd Friday of each month, lunches 3 times a week, a monthly potluck, fund raisers from time to time and community events. Dues are not required to take part in these activities; we are open to the public. Everyone is welcome!

The past year we have had our struggles due to illness and unforeseen happenings. At this time we are looking for one, or two people who would be interested in cooking one to three days per week. Time involved is approximately 3 hours per day. We do take outs and delivery to shut ins.

We are thankful to the community for their participation and we certainly don’t want to lose our center as it really does have good programs and resources to offer. Volunteers are always needed to help serve breakfast, lunches, work at Second Harvest the fourth Tuesday of the month, janitorial and to help expand our programs. Help is needed! Please call 659-1289 or 659-0292 if interested, we look forward to talking to you.

The last week of January we have a full schedule with lunches on the 26th and 28th at noon each day. Second Harvest needs help on Tuesday morning the 27th with unloading the truck and setting up for distribution to the public at 11 a.m.

On Friday, the 30th is our potluck and annual meeting. You are invited to bring a dish and come and learn about the things we have to offer, enjoy the fellowship and give us your ideas on how to enhance the usefulness of this organization which is a vital part of this community for many. Please come and join us.

Shirley Miller Markum, Ritzville


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