Eastern Adams County's Only Independent Voice Since 1887

$1 a month could help others in need

What if?

What if our community had the potential to do great things for one another?

What if we were willing to use the skills God gave us, to help those who aren’t able to help themselves? There are many organizations and individuals that already help in diverse ways, and God bless them for their service, but I’m talking about something just a little bit different.

What if each adult in our community gave just $1 per month, just $1? There is the potential to raise $1,000 each month to help others in need! That money could be used to help pay someone’s utility bill, put gas in their car, repair a broken fence, etc. There is a great need in our community!

What if the money could be donated to a secure location, such as a bank? What if, at the end of each month, two witnesses and a bank employee counted and recorded the donated money? What if there was a committee set in place, to see that those funds were used accordingly? What if there was a “need list,” such as the giving tree at Christmas time; but this list would be available year round and added to as needed? We could take those “needs” and with the money that was donated, go directly to the City, or wherever the need was and pay the bill directly.

What if we could tap into community members’ skills? What if we had a list of those willing to help, and when the need arises, we set forth without complaint?

Hopefully, this would not be for those who wish to gain recognition or power, but for those who genuinely care to see that the needs of others are met. A heart of compassion is what is needed and a desire to help those who cannot help themselves.

With today’s economy, the need is great! The potential is even greater! Is there anyone up for this challenge? I am!

Connie L. Sackmann, Ritzville


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