Eastern Adams County's Only Independent Voice Since 1887

Opinion / Guest Column

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 25 of 287

  • Restoring Balance to America's Regulations

    Don C. Brunell|Updated Jul 23, 2024

    The U.S. Chamber of Commerce looked at the cost of regulations in America and found that excessive protocols are undercutting our economy and costing us jobs. Federal rules alone have exploded, and the Chamber says they cost $1.7 trillion. Unwarranted state labor and employment mandates resulted in a 700,000-job loss. On the other hand, paring back state regulations which exceed federal standards now spawns 50,000 new businesses each year. The Chamber report does not indict go...

  • Agencies should be liable for expert bias

    Todd Myers|Updated Jul 15, 2024

    Scientific experts are prone to bias, overestimate their certainty and government systems are not good at adjusting to new science. Those admonitions come from Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor in a statement addressing the Supreme Court’s refusal to hear the case of Charles C. McCrory v. Alabama. In the piece, Sotomayor asks what courts should do when faced with convictions “resting on science that has now been wholly discredited?” The question offer lessons for how g...

  • Loper decision is a victory

    Paul Guppy|Updated Jul 8, 2024

    The Loper family own Loper Bright Enterprises, a modest New England-based fishing business. They pursue the same dream shared by many Americans – to provide their customers with quality service at a fair price while making a good living. Recently, however, the bureaucrats at the National Marine Fisheries Service had other ideas. The agency's budget was tight, so they decided to make the Lopers, along with similar family-owned businesses, pay for a government on-board i...

  • The time for gray wolf management to change is now

    Pam Lewison|Updated Jul 8, 2024

    The gray wolf population in Washington state set a reproduction record, growing by an astounding 44 animals in 2023. The state’s wolf population has increased for 15 years in a row and is now at its highest level since it was listed. The question is, what will it take for the state to change its management policy for the predators? Last year we proposed a state delisting of gray wolves in the eastern-most third of Washington state. We also proposed an incremental, local a...

  • Into the wild blue yonder

    Teresa Simpson|Updated Jul 1, 2024

    On Friday, I had an opportunity to fly aboard a U.S. Air Force KC-135 aircraft and see the demonstration team in action. I was a frequent flyer when I was in college (I choose to go to a college in Illinois). So, when my boss asked if I wanted to try to fly on the massive Air Force plane, I told him that I loved flying. I was excited the opportunity would further my knowledge of military history and would enjoy talking to a veteran crew about their experiences. My mother was...

  • Hope for health-care access

    Don C. Brunell|Updated Jul 1, 2024

    One of the most vexing problems with our nation’s health care system is getting a timely doctor’s appointment. Our primary care network is overwhelmed. More than 100 million Americans lack a primary care provider. A quarter of those are children and the problem is worsening, according to the National Association of Community Health Centers. Our country has a growing and aging population that will need more care. Combined with an aging workforce of physicians nearing ret...

  • Update on the Adams County Jail

    Dale Wagner|Updated Jun 24, 2024

    I want to address some ongoing inquiries and clarify the status of our jail facility, particularly regarding why it is not currently operational for housing inmates. Firstly, significant progress has been made under the sheriff's purview. We have identified numerous internal deficiencies that require attention and have been actively collaborating with the commissioners to rectify these issues. Our goal is to implement necessary improvements and address required repairs...

  • Divest state agencies' authority

    Roger Harnack|Updated Jun 24, 2024

    Eastern Washington was a great place to grow up. We used to be able to use the parks and boat launches without additional fees. We were able to hike, boat, swim, camp and otherwise enjoy the recreational opportunities here without interference from pencil-pushing bureaucrats masquerading as “experts” in state jobs. We used to be able to enjoy our corner of the world without having to acquiesce to tribes expanding their political power off reservations. Those days are almost go...

  • Paid leave costs increasing annually

    Elizabeth New|Updated Jun 17, 2024

    The number of people tapping the taxpayer-provided Paid Family and Medical Leave fund is increasing every year. The paid-leave program was launched in 2020. It imposes a tax on employers and workers, whether or not the workers ever use the program. The money is used to allow some workers taxpayer-paid time off if they have a serious health condition, need to care for people or want to bond with a new child on taxpayers’ dimes. If you build it they will come. And they did. T...

  • Trail Life offers anti-woke scouting

    Family Policy Institute of Washington|Updated Jun 17, 2024

    You may have heard the news that the beloved Boy Scouts organization is rebranding for the sake of inclusion. Their new name is “Scouting America,” which allows not only all girls, but the so-called “transgendered” girls who think they are boys. The rebrand includes a concerted effort to recruit more LGBT members in the organization. This shift is a direct result of the dominance of the so-called “woke culture.” Why, you may ask, is this shift necessary? After all, girls who are interested in becoming scouts could just...

  • Lawmakers need to change growth law

    Mark Harmsworth|Updated Jun 11, 2024

    Demographia has just published a study, authored by Wendell Cox, that compares the affordability of housing in the international marketplace. The conclusions show that while Washington state isn’t the most expensive, it is on its way to the top spot. What’s sad is it’s all avoidable with some simple changes to state policy. Currently, Seattle ranks 73 out of 100 of the most affordable major cities to live. The study summarizes that the high prices are “largely the product...

  • Employee stock ownership plans work

    Don C. Brunell|Updated Jun 11, 2024

    Who would have thought that a small Oregon natural grain mill owner’s death would make national news or be the subject of a lengthy feature article in the New York Times? However, 94-year-old Bob Moore’s passing in February did. The Times is published just off Broadway in the heart of Big Apple’s network television and theater district. Moore, with his white beard, wire-rim eyeglasses, newsie cap and bolo tie became a “food poster person” approaching the notoriety of KFC’s...

  • Union opt out not being fully explained

    Elizabeth New|Updated Jun 4, 2024

    Workers can join labor unions. And unions can charge them dues. Some workers are even required to pay a union in order to hold certain jobs. Union membership is a good option for many workers whose ideals line up with a union that represents their interests. There is strength in numbers. However, membership is a bad deal for workers represented by a union with which they disagree about political donations, workplace details or treatment of a worker’s employer. Thanks to the U...

  • Homeschool growing in our state

    Updated Jun 4, 2024

    Homeschooling rates are on the rise across the nation as parents grapple with the dangerous woke agenda being pushed in public schools as well as ineffective teaching methods. Washington is no exception. The Evergreen State has seen one of the biggest homeschooling booms out of all 50 states. Some proponents are even calling it a “miracle” of the Pacific Northwest. The homeschooling surge was first noticed throughout the U.S. during the onset of the pandemic, with many families determining online school was not a viable opt...

  • Ag worker laws need reformed

    Madi Clark|Updated May 28, 2024

    Note: U.S. Congressman Mike Simpson, R-Idaho, contributed to this column. American farmers feel like the little red hen working alone to grow the wheat, mill the flour, and make the bread, as they struggle to meet labor demands across sectors. Few domestic workers find agricultural employment attractive and our nation's visa program to hire foreign workers for agricultural work simply does not work for employers or employees. From spring pruning to fall harvest farm labor...

  • I-2124 could kill WA Cares

    Elizabeth New|Updated May 28, 2024

    Would passage of Initiative 2124 kill the WA Cares long-term program? Probably. It's super likely that if the state's new, mandatory long-term-care program was made optional for Washington state workers many would flee, leaving it unable to pay its way in its current form. No argument there. Still, that is what was emphasized when the Senate Labor and Commerce Committee discussed WA Cares in a Tuesday work session. Is the program solvent? And would it be if it becomes...

  • Honor kin of those killed in service

    Don C. Brunell|Updated May 21, 2024

    On Memorial Day, we traditionally honor Americans in our military who gave their lives in battle for our country. It is called the “Ultimate Sacrifice,” and they died protecting our freedoms and keeping us safe. In recent times, we have acknowledged our citizens in uniform who continue to suffer with permanent combat emotional and physical scars. They are alive largely because our battlefield survival is dramatically improving, and our accompanying rehabilitation expands. Thi...

  • Someone paid for your freedoms

    Roger Harnack|Updated May 21, 2024

    Disappointingly, many Americans are worried about silly first-world problems like where to go boating or what to barbecue over the upcoming weekend. Too many view this upcoming three-day break as an excuse to eat, drink and party, never giving a thought as to why Memorial Day is observed. So while you’re anxiously awaiting the long weekend, take time to remember, understand and plan to observe Memorial Day. Memorial Day is dedicated to the men and women killed while serving i... Full story

  • Consequences of breaching the Snake River dams

    Jason Mercier|Updated May 14, 2024

    The Snake River dams are critical to the infrastructure of our region, providing not only reliable power but also many other economic benefits. Removing these dams would have many negative impacts. You don’t have to take my word for it. Here are some of the findings from the multi-year public process in 2020 conducted by The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Bureau of Reclamation, and Bonneville Power Administration:: “[Breaching] would not meet the objective to Provide a Rel...

  • Family caregivers won't benefit

    Elizbeth New|Updated May 14, 2024

    The May 1 meeting of a WA Cares oversight commission should be must-see-TV, as it made one thing super clear: There is going to be a lot of disappointment if WA Cares remains a mandatory program funded by 58 cents (or more) of every $100 a worker earns. Not only will some workers not qualify for the money they're being told should give them peace of mind about possible long-term-care needs, Washingtonians who do qualify for a WA Cares benefit won't be able to fully choose how...

  • Senator Padden deserving of award

    Sen. Mark Schoesler|Updated May 7, 2024

    You might recall that a few weeks ago, I wrote about my colleague, 4th District Senator Mike Padden of Spokane Valley, who announced he is retiring when his current term ends, rather than seeking reelection in November. Although he cares about several legislative issues, Mike especially has been focused on crime and public safety, which is why he has served as either the chair or ranking Republican on the Senate Law and Justice Committee for many years. During our years...

  • State benefits from Alaska oil

    Don C. Brunell|Updated May 7, 2024

    Recently, President Biden launched the second phase of his attack on domestic oil and gas production by effectively blocking leases in Alaska’s National Petroleum Reserve. That follows last year’s reimposed ban on exploration in the Alaska National Wildlife Refuge. Both actions are ill-advised. In the Wall Street Journal, Alaska Sen. Dan Sullivan, a Republican, quipped: “the Biden Administration has imposed more sanctions on Alaska than it has on Iran.” The Interior Departm...

  • Gov. Inslee's EV program is like spending $1,125 on latte

    Todd Myers|Updated Apr 30, 2024

    Gov. Jay Inslee wants to buy 8,767 people a $1,125 latte. Metaphorically, at least. Inslee’s new program to subsidize the purchase of electric vehicles is so wasteful at reducing CO2 emissions, it is the equivalent of paying that absurd amount for a 16-ounce latte. On Earth Day, Inslee announced a $45 million program to subsidize the purchase or lease of electric vehicles. The program is targeted at those making 300% of the federal poverty level or less, which amounts to $...

  • Representatives to be missed

    Don C. Brunell|Updated Apr 30, 2024

    Too many pragmatic Democrats and Republicans in Congress are retiring at a time when we need them most. Two are from Washington: Reps. Derek Kilmer, D-Olympic Peninsula, and Cathy McMorris Rodgers R-Spokane. McMorris Rodgers and Kilmer cut their political teeth in the state Legislature. While they faithfully followed their parties, they found ways to come together on issues vital to our state. McMorris Rodgers was elected to Congress in 2004 and Kilmer in 2012. Recently,...

  • Defending Western civilization

    Aaron Klein|Updated Apr 23, 2024

    On July 13, 2012, President Obama was giving a speech in Roanoke, Va., and said this: “Somebody helped to create this unbelievable American system that we have that allowed you to thrive. Somebody invested in roads and bridges. If you’ve got a business, you didn’t build that.” Those three sentences sparked a brush fire in that year’s presidential election that he spent the next few weeks trying to walk back. But while the third sentence tried to take credit away from entr...

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