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The password to a wonderful life

One of my favorite movies is the holiday classic “It’s a Wonderful Life” starring Jimmy Stewart. The story follows Stewart’s character George Bailey who has become unhappy with his life because it has not turned out the way he planned, and he resents the things, which have prevented him from fulfilling his lifelong dreams.

After experiencing an unfortunate turn of events, George becomes distraught and suicidal. However, with some heavenly intervention by an angel named Clarence, he comes to see that his life—rather than being frustrated and a failure—is actually a wonderful life.

As Clarence helps him come to understand that his life has significance, it is gratefulness, which enables George to change his perspective.

As you enter our church’s sanctuary in Lind, we have a Bible verse from the book of Psalms framed in the entranceway: “Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise.” I like the way The Message translation puts it: “Enter with the password: ‘Thank you!’” Thankfulness is an essential aspect of worshiping God, but it also has transforming power for our life in general. This is a great reminder for all of us this Thanksgiving holiday.

The New Testament instructs us to “Give thanks in all circumstances.” This is exactly what the Pilgrims did during the very first Thanksgiving celebration in the year 1621. Although half of those who made the journey died within a year of landing in the New World, the survivors still found reason to celebrate God’s provision the following year with the help of local Indians.

It’s amazing to discover how an attitude of gratitude can radically change our view of things. The simple phrase “thank you” is a like a password which leads us from dissatisfaction and discouragement to contentment and joy.

At the end of the film, George’s younger brother Harry, who has had the opportunity to experience much of the life George had dreamed of, gives him a toast: “To my big brother George, the richest man in town.”

True riches are not made up of material possessions. Clarence, too, points this out in a farewell note to George, which brings the movie to an end: “Dear George, Remember no man is a failure who has friends.”

Friends, family, a roof over our head, a warm bed to sleep in, a full stomach, and most of all a loving God “who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment” and who “sent his one and only Son into the world that we might live through him,” are all reasons to be thankful. So this Thanksgiving, say the password . . . and experience a wonderful life!


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